Thread: MMM Records
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Old 2005-08-21, 11:51 AM
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Re: MMM Records

Rider - Does TTD require FA on all boots seeded here? I agree the seeder should do it before seeding, but in mariginal cases what do they have to compare to?
I already knew there was a version of that show circulating, a/d'ed and uploaded by someone who was a solid seeder and gained my trust with his seeds on STG (now a "zappateer"), so I downloaded that show for the express purpose of analyzing it to solve a "mystery", to learn something and discuss it with people with similar interests in audio analysis, and just maybe to provide a small service to other people in the process. freezer's sudden sympathy with "poor unsuspecting booters" is touching, but I only had to listen to the first few seconds of that show to know that "something was wrong", so I suggest that any other shows from that label should be suspect as well.

Last edited by guygee; 2005-08-21 at 11:59 AM.
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