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Old 2007-12-11, 01:35 AM
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Seth01 Seth01 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Re: Got the call from Comcast !

Can't help you with your decisions, bro but I just wanted to give you my best wishes.

That's a hard one for sure so I'll share what I did when I had a similar problem with my ISP. They wanted me to get a ridiculously expensive business account. I staved off the hungry wolves for a while by purchasing a 2nd home account. Obviously it was twice the price and I had to have 2 different cable modems (one I bought and one I rented) but they connected to the same cable (not at the same time). I kept a tight eye on my usage through their online utility and then when I reached the limit with modem 1 I switched to modem 2. It was stupid and expensive but it kept me going.

Well, Finlay I found a solution that was still expensive (but less than my 2nd account) and gave me the flexibility I needed. I signed up for a webseeder and haven't looked back then. Basically, my downloading and uploading are done remotely using someone else's very fast bandwidth and then when it's done I just dl it. So I still have the "bandwidth cost" in bits of the dl but none of the transfer. On top of that it helps my ratio as it's very fast. If I want to do a seed, it's the same thing in reverse. I have to upload my files to the site and then start the seed there (all done through a web interface). It's a nice but not perfect solution. Some months I'm using way over my ISP's limits but I guess I'm not in that"top one-tenth of one percent highest users" so I haven't been bothered since.

If this sounds like something that interests you, let me know through a PM. There usually aren't too many openings but I'll put you in contact with he who runs this. BTW, I have NO affiliation with this other than that I'm a happy customer.
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