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Old 2007-05-08, 10:58 AM
taygan taygan is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Re: Copying DVDs in Linux

Originally Posted by LieMfB
This one's for Linux buffs...

I got some silver DVDs I want to copy in Linux. I can burn DVDs just fine, but never done a copy from DVD. So I'm wondering:

Is it possible to simply mount the source DVD, copy its contents (the AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders) to the harddrive, then run mkisofs on the tree to build a video ISO file and then burn it with dvdrecord like usual?

I don't have two DVD drives, so I can't do any direct copying, unforntunately.

Thanks in advance!
Yes, if it's not copy-protected.

But, if it's not copy-protected you can make and exact copy iso from gnome, assuming you've got gnome, by right clicking on the dvd icon on the desktop and selecting "copy disc" to "file image." In KDE I would open K3b.

I always run an md5sum on the iso and then run a one on the burned dvd (and original if you're really concerned):

dd if=/dev/dvd | head --bytes=<enter iso byte size here> | pv | md5sum

Of course, I've got pv installed, all it does is give me a visual on how much has already been processed.
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