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Old 2006-05-02, 05:21 PM
Re: Brand Spankin' Newbie

Okay, I just wanted to leave one more post (for this thread at least), to let you guys know that I have downloaded the necessary software, and have finally "seen the light"!!!

You were all right, backwards and forwards, I can't imagine there being better software than EAC. Granted, I still have to play around with it, and figure it out, but I can see why so many people insist on using it.

I just cannot say thank you enough times!!!!!!

As far as the addiction thing o' man!

I find myself thinking about trading all day long. Its amazing I get anything accomplished! The best part is, this is only the start!!! I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!!!!

Thank You, Thank You, a million times, Thank You!!!!

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