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Old 2009-12-25, 07:41 PM
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reldnah2cb reldnah2cb is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Re: How can I download the other Discs?

There's another way in utorrent to accomplish this. The bottom frame has several tabs. There's one tab named "Files" Click the files tab and you'll see a list of files in the torrent. There's a column on the right named "Priorty" You'll see normal for the the files you downloaded. Normal is the default value. Skipped means file not downloaded. Right click a file and you'll see a context menu pop up with different priorty choices. change priorty to normal, high, or low for files not dowmloaded. Not sure if there's any actual difference in the levels.

You don't need to do every file individually. You can do the usual multi highlight of files. In windows you can click one file then press shift and click a file down the list. then right click the selected files and change them all.

This is nice if you want to download a track to maybe check sound quality. Then you can go back and change the priorty on the remaqining files and start downloading the rest of the files if you like what you hear.

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