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Old 2007-01-16, 05:35 PM
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slewofboots slewofboots is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Re: what do i do wrong

Do you mean by "show up as a leecher" that you see your file in the top 'frame' of Azureus, like as if you are still downloading it? Or, does it show up in the bottom 'frame' like where they get moved to once you are done leeching and then start seeding something you've finished downloading?

Based on what I've read about your problem, I'd guess you screwed something up when you created the .torrent. Either you made changes to the set of files after you used MakeTorrent (or whatever you used) to create the .torrent file, or maybe you moved stuff around to different folders or who knows what you did...
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