Thread: Uploading probs
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Old 2016-03-31, 05:11 AM
john roberts john roberts is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Re: Uploading probs

I think it may help if you regard the problems as 2 separate ones. Putting yourself in a position with the antivirus and firewall disabled is not a good position to be in.

If you look in the utorrent settings to see what port number its trying to connect to the internet through. Its said some ISP's block default no's in the 6881 range. If your in that area you could try changing the port no to something between 50000 and 65000.

Previously some people had problems with utorrent I can't remember what version it was.
Another option is to remove it and try a different torrent software, noting the port number which your firewall should ask you for permission to access the internet.

You will see TCP and UDP Firewall ports mentioned I would say yes to both, but make TCP and UDP use the same port number eg 52000. The Windows Firewall is worth clicking the options to learn it.

Not sure about the antivirus, perhaps you could try another

Hope this helps.
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