Thread: whoweeds
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Old 2005-08-14, 05:20 PM
hunterrose35 hunterrose35 is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Re: whoweeds

Originally Posted by New Homebrew
What I mean is that generally speaking, and compared to other bands, those collecting The Who are careless regarding quality. Documented quality sources are out there, but It's easier to download a bootleg cd than find traders and tapers. The readily-available download/weed type material is substandard, and has proliferated widely, making that task even harder.

I don't care for the Who Weeds series. For example, the Miami 1976 show you mention, unaltered 1st gen transfers are available. Lower gen is also available for Volume 1 of the series. I'm sure people will still download them and enjoy them, but I wouldn't hold them up as final statements on a particular recording.
and as I said I can agree with the first paragraph whole for the second paragraph , if you have first gen version of these then share them. these were done in 2003........if you have an uprgraded version set a new standard for the Who trading community, put your money where your mouth is...........otherwise.............I never said these were final statements on anything...........I said I had these and would put them up as there was a request for them............IF THERE ARE UPGRADES TO THESE PUT THEM OUT.
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