Thread: whoweeds
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Old 2005-08-13, 06:55 AM
hunterrose35 hunterrose35 is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Re: whoweeds

Originally Posted by New Homebrew
Interesting how examples 1, 3, and 5 look all the same - blackness over 11kHz. Maybe this means "tweaked by the same guy with the same methods"?

As with so much Who material doing the rounds, doesn't seem like worthwhile stuff to circulate.

actually they are worth having. and if you had read the posts they were all done by the same guy. and what do you mean so much who material making the rounds?

These are being put up by request of those who would like to check them out. I am not going to stop circulating them because you do not feel it is worth it. you have a choice. do not download.

and if there is so much who material doing the rounds as you say, maybe you can put your money where your mouth is and seed some upgrades? or you have better sounding stuff.......?
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