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Old 2007-12-19, 04:25 PM
BadassMOFO BadassMOFO is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Re: Still can't upload

Originally Posted by U2Lynne View Post
I'm a bit confused by your post cuz it sounds like you are talking about two different things. You do NOT have any torrent accidentally uploaded to the tracker, so if you are trying to upload a torrent, most likely you don't have the correct announce url.

The thing you are confusing me about is when you say "I also tried to jump on an existing torrent. Each time I get an attachment upload error." If you jump on an existing torrent, it has nothing to do with uploading so how can you get an upload error? Are you actually trying to upload a torrent to the site using the upload page or are you trying to hop on an existing torrent?
I used this url:

I only tried to hop onto an existing torrent to see if it hooked up, which it did, but it gave an error within bit tornado. So yes, those are two completely different scenarios. I was trying to upload the attachment and it gives me the upload error.
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