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Old 2005-02-25, 02:39 PM
Re: Shntool frontend

Originally Posted by DeepElem
I guess I'm missing something, but if I can type: shntool -fix , or -pad, -strip, or -md5, or whatever, why would I need or want this?
If I can't type the shntool commands, it won't work anyway, right?
Think I'll stick with shntool, just another useless frontend IMO.
If you have to ask this then you don't really know how to use shntool to begin with. You sound like one of those people who just runs shntool over every file in the directory all at once, w/o any consideration for set breaks or other interruptions between tracks which render track shifts unnecessary and even undesirable.

And BatchEnc is far more useful than quoting my entire original post.
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