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Old 2008-04-27, 11:27 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Sometimes Firewalled, Sometimes Not

Being firewalled does NOT mean you can't upload at your maximum speed. It simply means you may only upload (or download) to/from people who are NOT firewalled. If you are a seeder on a show and there are several leechers that are not firewalled, you will happily upload away to them. However, if all the leechers are firewalled, y'all will just sit there doing nothing. So, just realize that being firewalled simply limits the people you may upload/download with.

One of the biggest mistakes users make when trying to forward their ports is they don't set themselves up with a static local IP. They keep DHCP on and thus get a different local IP from their router everytime they start up the computer and thus are firewalled because they forwarded their ports for a particular IP that they aren't using. So, make sure you read this part of the tutorial for forwarding your ports:
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