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Old 2007-05-26, 04:18 PM
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bodhisattva bodhisattva is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

whatever dude, initially I felt passionately about not having it. but as I cooled down I realized if I am putting my will on this music, than I am just as bad as somone else saying it can't be there.

its a free world. if its legal, share it.

if you don't want your material shared, keep it to yourself.


as we reviewed the situation I stopped letting my opinions dictate the situation and I let the fans of the band do what they want.

and I'm not concerned what Sebastian thinks of me. I don't think highly of him, as he started trouble where no trouble exists.

and people like you, and some of the trolls on this site, want to perpetuate something that is over and done, its past.

policies get overturned, it doesn't make the old policies LIES! but view me as a liar, I do not care what you think.