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Old 2009-03-31, 03:43 PM
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zenmasterzoso zenmasterzoso is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Audio - Soundboard Converting Large Collection of Tapes to mp3 ?

Let me first say what a great site this is Back when I first started collecting live shows there was no internet and no cd`s or mp3.Just a typerwriter, double deck cassette player and turntable.I know i just added grey hair to my profile.
I need advise on the best process of coping a large collection of cassettes into the digital audio world.My wife and son have tried to send these cassettes off to the salvation army more then once.So for Christmas my wife gave me a cassette deck that transfers cassettes to digital. It is made by *ION "Tape2PC" model. I suspect it is a lower end system but I have been able to transfer a few old soundboard shows and they turned out great.The computer programs included are not great.Audacity and EZ Tape Converter, which I do not like.Are there better programs available? I find with these it is very hard to complile a complete show like Led zeppelin at Earls Court `1975,those shows(each night) are on 3 cassettes.
Any and all suggestions and advise would be very appreciated.I find now that with all the computer programs for doing this you can take an old audience taped show and remove hiss , bass or increase settings, I cannot wait to take a 1st or 2nd gen soundboard show and run it through.
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