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Old 2006-01-19, 01:11 PM
cleantone cleantone is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: port forwarding help (WinXP/Versalink327W) PLEASE?

I just got off the phone with verizon tech to figure out why after the storm the connection was dropping out. We reset the modem. So I have a bit of a blank slate. I did find out that in my network connections the DNS numbers were not right and have plugged in the correct ones. Now she told me that the account I have "non buisness" is not set up for a static IP. Or does not support a static IP. Is this just BS? I am damn posotive that I had a static IP setup when this was all configured properly with the old PC and the old OS. She said it needs to be dynamic for the IP changing.

I can't remember where, when, or how I got the IP numbers I got but I think they are right. The PC is 192.168.1.## and the mac is the smae but one digit higher.

Should I try the static IP again now that we have reset configurations? The connection hasn't dropped out so I guess there was (and maybe still is) a modem issue after last nights storm. Seems fine so far though.
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