Thread: MP3 OR NOT
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Old 2005-02-09, 08:55 AM
tannis tannis is offline
heavy metal madman
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: england

ok , im trying my best to learn here and i have been back through all the related threads on the forum , so far ive gathered that blocky & haircuts =l lossy , therefore the analysis i posted above is clearly mp3 , just a couple of questions for the experts on here as ive recieved a job lot of discs and to me everyone of them is suspect in one form or another , now obviously i dont want to clutter up the thread with loads of attatchments so if someone could help here that would be appreciated.

1: i have a couple of discs where the frequency hits the wall at 18,000 , a little too high for mp3 i would have thought but they also have a hint of a haircut about them , whats the likely source for these.

2: if it's a minidisc recording what is the easiest way of determing that from an mp3 , i.e is there a distinct cut off point for a md recording compared to the 16,000 for mp3 , as a couple of these discs seem to have a drop off at around 14,000.

as you can probably gather by my wordings of the questions i dont know too much about this so be gentle
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