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Old 2005-05-04, 10:28 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: California
Re: Dimeadozen Offline...

U2Preservation is not behind this. Sure, they were disappointed that the DVD got released early, but then they just let it go. In fact, I then got permission to put it up here, which I did.

I do wonder about what is going on with the 'lawyers' and EZT/DIME though. Back in my STG days, we had something like this happen to us. Someone would put a commercial release up on our tracker, and then a couple hours later Gray would get a Notice from an attorney. This happened about three times in one month. It turns out that someone was pissed off and they were deliberately putting stuff on our tracker and then notifying the authorities just to get us in trouble. I never saw any of these notices since Gray never shared them, but it did happen several times between May and July.
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