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Old 2006-09-19, 05:35 PM
Mustapha Mustapha is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Re: Bad Trader Alert - Iron Miami (Carlos Carbonell)

Well it looks like I've been ripped off too... It's the first time something like this happens to me!!! 25 damned dvd's!!!
But more than pissed off, I'm sad, because you just never know how far some people go, obly to get some dvd's...
Check this out:

HI Nuno,

I'm sorry for not rebly back before but this last Saturday my Grand Father passed away , He was at the hospital since end of July . We knew this was going to happen but you are never ready to face death . I have 05 DVDs pending to be burnt so I'll get them done by tonight .

There is my addy:

Shirley Cabrales

saying that the grandfather died?! This is sick!!! and I f*cking believed it!!!
It's really frustrating, I think I'll leave this trading thing for a while...
Queen, Pink Floyd and some others are always welcome
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