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Old 2006-05-24, 05:57 PM
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deadissue deadissue is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Re: Passkey Tracker coming on Wednesday....

I'd assume that the integration of this technology would be on the radar for mac/btclient programmers - - - I know it's frustrating for some, but progress is nature of all technology, whether it's computers or a car's engine. If problems persist, it's not the fault of the TD staff. Whatever applications, programs, hardware we CHOOSE to use, unfortunately, we're at the mercy of those products and whether or not their PAID employees have done the work necessary to make everything on the net compatible.

This is part of the evolution, and TD is right to utilize what's available. Say the TD staff DIDN'T upgrade, then a couple years pass by...sure, temporary issues of compatibility wouldn't be a problem, but sooner or later there'd be another tracker using updated technology that allowed us users to do A,B and C...while this site wouldn't.

It's better for everyone that TD stays up to date. You watch - the users here will figure out how to make it work, and in instances where someone is screwed, whatever issue you're having, you can be sure there are 1000+ out there with the same problem, and software engineers will figure out what's what.

The worst thing TD could do would be to become archaic over time for the sake of us users.

Just be patient and allow Lynne to work on the identified bugs, and when you come across a problem that TD can't help you with, start posting to message boards and emailing the product you're using, with a phrase like - "I love using your product, but if this can't be addressed, I'll unfortunately be forced to take my business elsewhere."

Freeware aside, if Mac users voice their concern, there will be a software update that addresses the problem.
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