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Old 2006-03-06, 07:24 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

boymacwerter, you are mistaken. That is not a message for our site since we don't enforce a share ratio here. But, if you want to reseed a show you already finished downloading, you would simply put the torrent file back into your bt client and point it to the folder that has all the files you downloaded. It should verify the files and then start seeding.

STLBBlues, if a show can't be listed on our tracker due to some posting rule that may be broken, then we can't allow external links to it either. That being said, I'm not so sure your DVD would not be allowed on this tracker (or as an external one). We have allowed other shows up where there is an official release available and then there is the one being torrented (where the torrented one is just slightly different - like the official release had part of the track cut out, that sort of thing). Five would remember what they are since they were bands he is more into that I. You might send him the info and see what he says about it being allowed. (Or you can send me a PM and I can ask Staff.)
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