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Old 2006-08-24, 07:09 AM
PBrane PBrane is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Netherlands
Re: Name & Shame Uberleechers Thread

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
I still don't see him on any torrents. But if you saw him on at one point, Lucas, then that is good.

KoolKat, before I actually post anything about only leeching so many torrents per ratio (I can make it different for different low ratios), I want to make sure it works. So, I'm making it real loose right now to test it out (basically, he is my test case ). Unfortunately, I have to test out tracker stuff live to see how the site will handle it.
I think this Uberleecher has been fixed, but I noticed a couple of others with long torrent lists. It was clearly a case of ignorance, as their response to a message from me that this was not the right way to use the Den, was to politely apologise and cut back the torrent list. If you have a means to track excessive torrent dls, a message explaining the situation might be all that's needed. Of course with the new restrictions in the tracker, this is a problem that will die on it's own accord, so it might not be worth the trouble.
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