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Old 2007-04-13, 02:04 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

I understand the point of the lineage, especially when it's available...but also just to have a refrence point to judge versions (which I contest that the md5's do that) and I respect the idea of a "format" for labelling these things rather than "phishblowz" version or whatever, but an actual format to go by for labelling your interpretation of what you have so others can use the same judgement standards for their copy if they have different files and decide if there's may be better...I stand by the fact that md5's and screens should cover all that, but again the reasonable conclusion is to have a system of some kind and I have and will continue to abide by that...thanks for all the concern and advice everyone

as for the speed issue, although I am more than happy to share in compliance, I still can't seed at full steam, so if anyone wats to continue trying to help, feel free...thank you all
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