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Old 2005-08-27, 04:59 PM
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feralicious feralicious is offline
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Re: Stones file keeps dis-connecting at 4.5%

I meant don't leave your browser open. Close that app so all your bandwidth goes to your download. Are you on dial-up? If so it's probably just that.

You can try another client without losing what you already have. You can always stop and start BitTorrent downloads and not lose what you already downloaded. So if you want to try another one when it asks you where to save it just point it to your folder and it will scan it and see how far along you are then resume.

I use Azureus. People also seem to like ABC, Another BitTorrent Client.

Also... if there's only one or two people seeding it you may just be stuck with whatever bandwidth they have available. And it may be that they're losing connections with you. What message are you getting that tells you it disconnected?
feralicious goodies
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