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Old 2005-11-12, 12:10 PM
aaadbell aaadbell is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: USA
Re: Trader's Little Helper

A question about the user interface. When you drag and drop files into TLH, no matter what tab is showing, the tab switches to either Verify checksum files, Decode files, or Encode files. So you can't drag & drop to create checksums, test, get shntool info, or fix SBEs?

There is also no context menu support for fixing SBEs. Apparently the only way to use this function is with the Add button. Is this deliberate?

Finally, about the context (right-click) menu. The dialog box does not come to the top if the TLH window is hidden - it would be nice to have that option. Also, if you select the context menu but then change your mind, there seems to be no way to cancel the dialog box.

I think this is a great program. I don't mean to complain, I'm just pointing things out that I've noticed.

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