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Old 2006-12-10, 02:17 PM
laststand laststand is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Portforward is not working...

Hi all, hopefully someone can help me out with this problem.

Since I installed a router at home my download and upload speeds went downhill and I get the firewalled message under my username. I've already checked and a lot of threads here on technobabble but nothing seems to fix this.

I'm using windows XP, Dlink 500T, no firewall activated, no antivirus. I've done all the common steps to solve this kind of problem:

-Set up an static IP address
-Set the router to open ports 10.000-10.010 on the static IP (both TCP/UDP)
-Same ports opened with the torrent client (tried both utorrent and bittornado)

When I used either and, both returned error messages. So let me ask:

1. On the routers page, the only change I have to do is open the ports for the static IP?

2.The ports should be opened for the static IP (LAN) or should I set a static IP for the external conection (WAN)? I'm asking this because the page tests the port 10.000 for the external IP. This kinda confused me.

3. Should I change any ATM VCC settings, releated to PPPoE/PPPoA?

Sorry for the long post and thanks in advanced!
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