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Old 2006-01-25, 06:07 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California

Well, if your port doesn't show up in red on the Peers List, then as you said, you are not firewalled and if that is the case, then you don't need to worry about forwarding your ports. Forwarding your ports is something you only need to do if you are showing up as firewalled.

I guess you could try changing your ports. Some ISPs are blocking the known bittorrent ports these days, so going for higher non-common ones could do you a world of good. But, if you aren't showing up as firewalled, then again, this point is moot since if your ISP was blocking those ports, you would show up as firewalled.

Did you do a speed test to see what your actual speeds are? Google 'speed test' and pick one and do a speed test a few times until you get pretty consistant results. As I posted above, these results will most likely be displayed as (K)bits per second and not (K)Bytes per second.
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