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Old 2004-12-17, 01:48 AM
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Re: DVD Out Of Standard

Originally Posted by RainDawg
Why's that? It's the best way to shrink a DVD just enough and make it DVD compliant that I know of.

I do NOT condone re-encoding, but in the case where the disc is slightly out-of-spec like this, I think it's a good thing to do.

By the way, TMpgenc is a reasonable name I think. The name is T and it's an MPG ENCoder. OK, so it's not as nice as some others, but it's not totally unintelligible.
I know DVDShrink is free, but tests have shown that it makes an inferior quality picture when compared to a similar program Pinnacle when making the same size output. Also, they're sort of the consumer level stuff where as TMPGEnc or Cannopus are more for the fanatical types who are really into that. And what ssamadhi said too.

Regarding screwy names, I just can't ever remember how the letters go. In my mind I say "temp encode", but now that you put it that way maybe it'll stick.

Oh and katnapz... vee have vays of making you talk.
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