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Old 2007-09-06, 06:04 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: California
Re: Why so many duplicate completes?

Originally Posted by dcbullet
There are close to a billion, yes a billion, of the same completer "timstreet" on my torrent?
A billion? hmmmmm, I see a few less than that. It made me look though. I was on TC and they were talking about this problem and there is a torrent there where they have 65,000 completes listed because of this problem. It's so bad that you can't even open the thread - you end up having to quit your browser (they don't have a separate window that opens from the thread when you click on it - all the names are listed in the torrent thread).

Anyway, I don't know why this happens. I do know it isn't just this tracker, it was happening on our last one also and, as I mentioned, it happens over at tapecity and they have a different type of tracker also. I'd have to spend some time actually analyzing why it happens to some users, but not others. Every once in a while I think of what may be causing it (a client that misbehaves, a user with random ports, etc), but then I look and find someone who does not fit into that category.
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