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Old 2005-06-17, 08:54 AM
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oldbrokentapes oldbrokentapes is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
I need someone to clone/recover a TOC for me...

So yesterday I sat on a coach to London for 3.5 hours, got dragged on a spontaneous 2 hour girly shopping trip round Oxford Street, went to the Mean Fiddler, recorded Team Sleep, got reduced to tears during Natalie Portman, pressed stop on the MD remote as I was being bustled out of the venue, watched the display change to "Saving data" or whatever it says, put the remote back in my pocket and kept walking , later sat down on my coach home and found myself faced with a blank MD.


Presumbly moving around caused the recorder to jump around in my pocket and maybe for the battery compartment to disconnect. Thankfully I know that all the data is on there, and that it should be recoverable, so I didn't get too stressed out. I am ideally looking for:
- someone who's cloned TOCs before and been successful
- someone in the UK
- someone who can do me a high quality digital transfer while they're at it
but obviously anyone who can offer help may well come in very useful. Some form of time/effort compensation can be arranged if required.

If you don't know what I'm talking about but have an MD deck then have a browse around

Thanks very much in advance
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