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Old 2008-07-15, 10:22 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: California
Re: Should we ban thoughtless leechers?

Originally Posted by BurntPage View Post
I could use some help. Im new to this site and have a few hundred shows I'd like to share. I have the downloading part down, and Ive downloaded the bt creator but Im not sure if I am doing it correctly, yes Im a knucklehead.

But where I need help is, what would be an appropriate amount of time to allott seeding. How long should I seed for after I have downloaded?
We really encourage users with questions to start their own threads cuz then all their questions can be contained in one place and you aren't searching in other threads to see if someone has answered your questions.

You might want to start by reading the FAQs (either for Audio or Video) and hopefully that answers a lot of questions. As for how long.... usually you want to seed until their are a few completes and then they can carry on the seeding of the show. I would also encourage you to keep it on your harddrive for a while incase seeding drops off in a few weeks and you want to help them out. That isn't necessary, but if you can, I think it's a good idea. Also, when you go to initially seed your show, you really should make that the only show you are seeding - don't try to seed more than that one show at that time. This is ensure that you have all your bandwidth going towards it and the users will get it that much faster and then they can carry on the seeding while you go off to download a show that you want.
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