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Old 2007-06-24, 10:53 PM
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paddington paddington is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: UK
Re: 16 KHz stripe in Master Open Reel Recording

16kHz stripe doesn't come from King Biscuit. I've transfered those myself from virgin broadcast vinyl (a couple are still posted at this site) and that stripe isn't there. It's possible that the person playing those records had the NRSC pre-emph versions and didn't know how to de-emph them.

I still say it comes from a bad transfer. People use bad cables. TVs and monitors with CRTs in them emit a 15,750Hz noise. That's is common knowlegde among people who build recording studios. You must keep your audio WAY away from them. That noise shows up all the time in transfers done by hobbyists with home computers.

The stripe coming and going could just be the environment changing during transfer. The stripe on the ones you just posted is at about 17.2kHz. If it was some standard thing, they wouldn't be all over the place. Check the SA on my Plant Biscuit torrent that is here... it's straight from broadcast vinyl transferred on pro gear. No noise at 16kHz or anywhere else.

Guygee, what I meant by sample was an audio sample ... I'd like to have a minute or so of audio in those quiet spots to work with. Sorry for the misunderstanding

Last edited by paddington; 2007-06-24 at 10:59 PM.
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