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Old 2008-11-27, 10:58 PM
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Digital Dragon Digital Dragon is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Alexandria, Ontario, CANADA
Re: Great Trader: Digital Dragon

Originally Posted by diamondmedia1 View Post
Well I see I am out voted on this as my post has been altered, from bad trader to Good trader, but I will say in fairness Digital dragon has emailed me, and I believe we have worked out our little soap opera, so I will say now hes a good trader, the verdict is in its a tie win win , but I see there is a negative comment above from Michael, maybe my Canadian friend may be a little Impatient, well it must be something to do with that little old lady who heads both our countrys
Yes its true folks the war is over!

We are both experienced and trusted traders with a lot to offer the community.
Paul has over 2000 items and 4100 on my end - that's a lot of music!

No sense getting stuck in the mud and i am the first to admit i get a little wild when i sense a rip off - never been burned before and the thought of it just makes my blood boil. Must be the English Irish and Scottish genes at play ! Paul has agreed to send my requests which is great and of course if my package to him is lost it will be replaced as always

To be fair, one important thing i noticed is that the address he sent me didn't say AUSTRALIA at the bottom. Of course i always copy/paste the address and print to shipping labels so it got by me . All the other details were there so it's a quick fix at the Post Office if they are paying attention (that's a big IF !! LOL)

So with that discovery, it is entirely possible that the package could be delayed or returned or both.

It was only prudent to contact Paul and work this out
Paul was courteous and polite with a quick response and he was more than willing to work it out which is great!!
Anyway, looks like this will be resolved once the packages arrive

By the way, no extra charge for the show

Special thanks for all that tried to help out - it was a lesson learned

One more thing before i quit - Michael was mentioned earlier so that deserves a quick response. He demands official material with perfect quality video and sound which is not always possible as we all know. Of course when you get to picky tempers can flare up (especially with me !!! LOL)
Nice guy though and we did a few great trades - I wish him well

Take care and Happy Holidays
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