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Old 2007-02-17, 09:56 AM
waller waller is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
please help the newbe

I am kinda new to this stuff seeing that I just got high speed internet connection a few days ago. I have a port open in my firewall (6881). The problem is that when I am downloading I am not sure that people are able to upload from me. The program box is showing that people are uploading but the little triangle at the bottom of the program board is red or yellow and telling me that I dont have a port open which means they are not. When I started dowloading today from the den, I am firewalled.....I dont want that. When I go to the portfoward site I cant seem to find any info there to help me. So I am turning to the guys and gals. I really want to do my part. what am I doing wrong. hera are some specs...I am on embarq dsl using a sprint 660 series modem for my connection. I am running windowsxp and on my firewall in the exceptons tab under the utorrnet box I have port 6881 open. Please help...
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