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Old 2005-07-28, 11:47 PM
Ted Ted is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Re: Your thoughts about Azureus please

Originally Posted by Five
p.s. compies to bit should have read compiles to bytecode. oopsie!
Ok, NOW that makes sense. Thanks. Actually, since I've been using it, it doesn't seem to be too much of a resource hog. I know JRE is (which also has the big footprint), but the actual Azureus isn't. Of course, you can't have Azureus without JRE, though. Anyway, it's not much worse than what I had before, which wasn't too bad. So for me, from what I've experienced so far, it doesn't take too much of a hit on my system. I'm sure other clients are better in that respect, but is there one that has all the features, the stabililty, good communication with the tracker, and the nice interface?
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