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Old 2008-11-22, 11:22 AM
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harpsichord harpsichord is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Re: The challenges of figuring out how to download from binary newsgroups

When I ran Windows I used a free client called Grabit, and now in Linux i use Klibido. IMHO a dedicated client does a better job than a browser. They offer search functions and better layouts/features. Grabit's site had a tutorial that was pretty easy to follow. They have also now included a tool to re-assemble the 'parts', where before you needed another app to do that.

Newsgroups allow you to downolad only 'headers' that will tell you what's available without downloading the entire 'item'. Large files are encoded into multiple parts that are "RAR'd", and you re-assemble after download. Most also have "repair files" included so you can correct errors or replace missing pieces.

In general, the advantage of newsgroups is that you usually download at or near your max pipe, without waiting on seeders. The disadvantage is you never really know what you have until you have it. It also depends on the service you use. Some ISP's offer newsgroups, but perhaps not all the ones you might want. Verizon recently dropped the binary groups, and most other useful or interesting groups, from their servers. A pay site like Usenet or Giganews will offer better retention and more groups.
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