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Old 2007-05-16, 11:36 AM
Mr.Yngwie Mr.Yngwie is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Burning DVD - Problem :-(

I hope some of you can help me out with this issue . Two Weeks ago I set up a three DVDs trade with a friend of mine but since I run out of Blank DVDs I couldn't burn one show so I kept it on my HDD and sent out my only copy . A couple of days later I extrated it from my HDD (DVD Decrypet) onto a Sony DVD-R , so far so good , no errors so I erased the ISO image but after a few days and by request (My friend got all their DVDs broken) I pull it out in order to make a new copy but the DVD was empty , I tried DVD Shrink -DVD Decrypter - Nero - ISO Image - 05 DIfferent DVD Players but there was nothing on it.

I always check my DVDs so I can be sure they play well (PC - DVD Player) , well not in this case .

Is there any way to get that ISO image?
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