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Old 2006-12-10, 08:44 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Pulled torrents history

Well, as the notice says, pulled torrents stay in the forum for a week so that people can see why they were pulled. I'm sometimes lazy and don't get around to deleting the torrents until three or four (or five or six) weeks later. So, as you are seeing, there are pulled torrents still in the forum that are older than a week.

If you downloaded a torrent and suddenly can't find the thread (and you are checking the forums a few weeks later), then you can be sure the torrent was pulled. We just don't feel a need to leave those threads around for several weeks. We felt that one week was plenty of time for the seeder to view what went wrong or for a downloader to see why a torrent isn't completing.
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