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Old 2016-10-22, 05:11 AM
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uninvited94 uninvited94 is offline
infecting the crypts.
TTD Staff
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: nine churches, germany.
Re: Why do torrents get pulled with no explanation?

The explanation has been in the header, I did note the missing lineage in the 'torrent is on hold'-area. It remained there for two days, the seeder (mostly the same in the last few weeks) did not react. Sorry if I did confuse people. In most cases (double uploads, CDR-step in lineages with Silvers, missing information) I'm explaining it in a comment. In this case, it has been an uploader (and well known lineage liar) from which we had to pull about 30 shows in a few weeks for always the same reason and he does not care. It gets boring.


"never understood the snobbishness over a microphone. I mean fuck, I killed 3 moose, 2 caribou and a bear by age 16, but I sure as hell don't go bragging about the gun used (.308). the point is to knock down the animal, not what you knock it down with.


(Ballsdeep, 2015-02-16)


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