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Old 2021-08-11, 08:11 AM
paul1979 paul1979 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Pitch and speed aren't match - need some help

Hey, need some advice from more advanced/skilled people.

Got some cassette, did transfer it using my Nak 202 and just found that when I fixed pitch & speed (I am going through Elastique Pro 3 on Reaper), the pitch is ok but speed seemed to be too fast. However, when I've tried to work on it further, and when I slowed down everything, it runs ok but pitch was way too low.

Assuming that I tuned it with guitar tuner (which works just fine), and also compared it with offcially released stuff, there's no way that I did a mistake. So I am completely lost as it what might hapenned.

Any clue?
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