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Old 2008-01-11, 02:51 PM
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KBADC KBADC is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
What Would You Have Done If ..

Just curious what you guys would have done in a case like this ...

I made a trade a while back and revieved about 5 or 6 Dvd's. Upon trying to copy these Dvd's the process was terminated because of "disc error"
I informed the other trader and he was more than willing to ship a new batch which he did. However again, the same story ... "disc errors"
I tried everything to no avail ... different burning software .. disc repair/retrieval software ect ect ect. It just seems that his method of burning caused major disc errors. Even when playing these discs on my computer or dvd player it pauses at what seems to be bad sectors on the disc, then skips to the next uncorrupted sector.

Anyway being relatively new to the trader world, I did not want to cause problems so I never complained about the 2'nd bad batch. So, I am just curious how some of you more experienced traders would have handled a situation like this?
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