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Old 2007-05-18, 07:26 AM
Re: Are mp3 master recordings allowed @TTD???

Well since this thread has become so all-encompassing I might as well say this: I read that Rush Limbaugh (and lots of others) went completely deaf due to many years of heavy oxycontin/hydrocodone abuse. He now has to use a device (cochlear implant?) to be able to do his radio show. I'm sure the implant doesn't come close to restoring his hearing to the way it was before he started using drugs. Don't abuse prescription/hard drugs, kids! You don't know what they are going to do to your body! The long term effects of these newer drugs is not known.

Also a good diet (more fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, whole grains and less red meat and junk food) contributes to overall health and may help prevent premature hearing loss.
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