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Old 2013-10-10, 11:31 PM
Re: What's with Hungercity again?

I'm still hoping to hear something soon about the former HC staff group's proposed tracker since many days earlier in this thread, but they may wish to wait until they are online or ready to go on line before making any announcements.
I await this possible announcement with more excitement than the return of HC brought me.

I think the "former HC staff group" could use a snappier name, here's a couple of suggestions.

The Gone Mods - has a nice ring, describes the group, and kind of sounds like a british invasion group, all Mersey beat and Carnaby Street, this is my fave so far.

The Urban Flight Attendants - Urban flight was a term applied to the outflow of population from the cities, and maybe conveys the situation. Distant second on my list.

Your suggestion are welcome, at least by me, but the Urban Flight Attendants may now be bringing me a pillow, which they'll hold over my face until my legs stop trashing, lol.
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