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Old 2005-01-24, 04:27 PM
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katnapz katnapz is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: how to prevent idiots from remastering already mastered shows ?

Hey RainDawg - I was going to make the same comment about md5s (or some kind of sanity check), as that's kinda the thinking behind the thread on putting a watermark on video...the problem with it in either case is that the person has to know to check. Sadly, there's many people who either don't care,...don't know how to care,...or just buy off ebay (I'm speaking of people who really don't know anything about computers). But on your other comment...really?!?...I honestly didn't realize that the Windows Media format had been broken. I thought that was one of the holdouts yet, but then again, you can tell by my reaction that I don't pay a lot of attention to that format.

Erich - Interesting idea you have there....not to bring up that three letter word (i.e., mp3)...but there is a program that does something similiar to mp3's that allows you to raise/lower the overall gain of mp3's, but keeps the original info intact in case you ever need to go back to the original volume. I'm not advocating mp3's or anything, but it's really handy if you're putting them on a small player for the gym (and delete afterwards of course ) Check a search engine for a program called MP3Gain. That way you don't blow your eardrums out when listening to music from different sources.
...Catnip is my middle name...
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