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Old 2006-03-30, 10:53 AM
cleantone cleantone is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Port Forwarded> Firewalled without changing settings? OSX

what torrent client are you using? it may be that your client uses more than one port such as the basic bittorrent. If this is the case say it is using 6881-6884. If it makes a request on a port that is not forwarded correctly you would have the results you are seeing. Have you checked the client side. It sounds like you have the router side locked down.
I was starting to think that it might be the client. I have been using Tomato for some time on the mac. I am using Bit Torrent on the PC. Bit Torrent seems to only have a setting for the starting port, and not a range. In Tomato I have the minimum currently set to 6883 and max at 6884, with the starting port at 6883. I am doing some mixing right now and resting my ears while I check this and other things. Maybe later I'll try another client, or perhaps port range.

What port range is on the client on the pc and what port range is on the client range of the mac? They should match. Sorry if this is obvious just throwing it out there.
Your saying they should match eachother, or match what the settings are on each computer. I assume it is supposed to be the latter. Maybe I'm wrong.
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