Thread: ratio reversal
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Old 2007-07-09, 11:34 AM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
ratio reversal

my stats are switched and now my 2.0 turned into a .5...I guess I don't really care because I know what I do, and others do too, and if they don't, that's too bad, but I do enjoy seeing it for my own sense of accomplishment...and maybe I'm not the only one...I'd hate to think a guy with a dismal ratio is all of a sudden sittin on a 1000.00 ratio because his crap is now his fortune...hopefully this isn't a technical boondoggle that opens a whole can o least it looks like the actual stats are right, they are just reversed, so it is still counting the data properly, just backwards, so it avoids the issue of people bitchin about not gettin credit for stuff and other such issues, but if someone in staff could switch it back, and maybe tell me what happened (to satisfy my curiosity) I'd really appreciate it stands, the less I share the better my stats...I think some people are dying with laughter over this one considering some of the previous forums we've had
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