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Old 2004-12-17, 01:54 PM
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Rider Rider is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Re: Your system has recovered from a serious error

Originally Posted by toys
Yeah I get the error log, looked at it and it made no sense to me. Next time I get it I'll post the log so maybe someone with the tech knowledge can explain it to me.

Only a couple of GB space left on the hard drive.... so many shows yet to burn. Was wondering if that was the issue, since if I've got only one torrent running the PC seems to be fine. Two, it shuts down after awhile. Three, it shuts down while still checking the existing data for the third torrent.

PC is only about a year old, so the hard drive better not be going bad yet.

To me it sounds like either something with your hard drives or heat. The part where it shuts down while chcking files sounds like a heat issue to me. File checking causes your processor to max out which causes heat. The more torrents you run the harder your drive is working the more heat it generates.

It could be number of things. The log might help.
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