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Old 2007-04-17, 09:09 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: California
Re: Invalid passkey, can't fix

Stop Azureus and delete the torrent file from the window. Then download it from the thread and start it with that torrent. You may have to do this once or twice (or I even had to do it three times once). Azureus has some weird glitch where if you are the original seeder and you start the torrent then it tells you "invalid passkey" the first time you start it - even though it is from the thread and has the passkey in it. Just watch that Tracker Status line and usually the second time it will finally go to OK.

(Lately, I have just been selecting the torrent in Azureus, right-clicking Advanced > Tracker > Edit Tracker URLs and adding the "?passkey=xxx" part to the end of the url myself - but you can only do that if you know how to grab the correct part from the torrent file.)
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