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Old 2006-08-30, 10:24 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Name & Shame Uberleechers Thread

Originally Posted by Deadmarsh
And before anyone tells me my ratio sucks here, I know it.
I'm just living by TTDs rules and there are no ratio requirements.
I'd follow them if there were FYI.
Actually, in our FAQ, we do ask that you try to achieve a 1:1 ratio because that is how bittorrent works best (if everyone downloads and then shares the same amount). We just don't ban people for low ratios. We recognize that this site is more than just a bt site. If you look at user's profile, if they have offered b&ps before or started vines here, those are all listed in their profile. This allows people to take an overall look at a user before deciding if they want to open a window for them or trade with them.
Originally Posted by Deadmarsh
We also don't allow commercially released material. If you saw something, why didn't you report it?
We are constantly checking stuff, but can't know and spot everything.
I can't emphasize this enough. Being a mod myself, I'll say that we rely a lot on users reporting threads/torrents that have commercially available material in them. Mods don't have the time to go through every single upload to the site and check to see if anything listed is also available commerially. Not every mod is familiar with every artist and every album that that artist has put out. I think everyone has a responsibility to try to help keep our music trackers free of commercial releases (if that is the goal of that tracker). I have a feeling if one of us got shut down, that most likely they would then come after the rest of us and then there would be no more (public) torrent sites.
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