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Old 2005-09-28, 02:42 PM
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range_hood range_hood is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Re: Flac Fingerprint vs. st5 / Flac Frontend vs. TLH ???

Originally Posted by feralicious
Yep that's the one. So how come when I fix the SBEs, processing all the files, the new files are fine and the flac ffp/checksum matches the audio checksum?
On re-encoding (fixing sbes) you calculated new checksums of the actual audio content.

Originally Posted by ferelicious
And so really basic ffp and verifying just those is useless then. Why even have them? Now I know to verify the files and not just run the ffp verify. Had I not happened to do it on this show I would've just checked using the ffp and thought it was fine. That's bad because I actually spent (too much) time trying to understand all this and SBEs, just think about all those others who don't even look into it.
Thatīs a good point. The function should be disabled in TLH for ffp in the next release. Maybe ban *.ffp and use *.st5 as standard. TLH development seems not to be that vital.
You have to have fingerprints as a textfile, so users can compare their sources without having to download the whole show.
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