Thread: Flac.exe????
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Old 2005-04-26, 02:31 AM
4candles 4candles is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Flac.exe????

To encode a set of WAV files to FLAC:

flac -8 *.wav

To decode a set of FLAC to WAV:

flac -d *.flac

Both of those commands preserves (i.e. doesn't delete) the input files.

Another useful option is "-t" (test) - this does the same as "-d" but doesn't write the decoded data to a file:

flac -t *.flac

To create a set of fingerprints from a set of FLAC files you need to use the companion program "metaflac" - because the MD5 checksum is stored as metadata inside the FLAC file:

metaflac --show-md5sum *.flac > fingerprints.txt

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